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Carolyn Allard
carolyn allard

Carolyn B. Allard, Ph.D., ABPP, is Professor and Program Director of the Clinical Psychology PhD Program at the California School of Professional Psychology (CSPP) of Alliant International University. Dr. Allard received her B.A. (Hons.) from Queen's University in Kingston, Canada, and her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Oregon.

She is a licensed psychologist in the state of California and has her Board Certification in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). Before coming to CSPP, she served as Program Director of the Military Sexual Trauma & Interpersonal Trauma Clinic and San Diego Advanced Fellowship in Women's Health at the Veteran's Affairs San Diego Healthcare System for a little over 10 years, where she continues serve as a research investigator.  

Dr. Allard has extensive experience in clinical practice, training and consultation with all levels of trainees and professionals; public education and advocacy; clinical research; program development and evaluation; and administration and leadership. She has served as a certified trainer and consultant for Cognitive Processing Therapy and consultant for Prolonged Exposure.

Dr. Allard is also an active researcher, serving as principal investigator or co-investigator on several past and ongoing UC, VA, and Department of Defense funded multi-site clinical trials and other studies. Her research is focused on the identification of individual, socio-cultural and contextual predictors of posttraumatic distress and treatment outcomes, with a specific interest in trauma-related guilt and shame, and the goal of developing and testing interventions to address these factors to improve outcomes.

She has published and presented her research in peer reviewed journals and international conferences, and co-edited a special issue turned book. She is a frequently invited speaker and CEU presenter at local, national and international scientific and professional conferences, and has conducted numerous television and radio interviews. Dr. Allard is also engaged in public education and social advocacy.

She is a member of several professional associations, and is Past President of Division 56 (Trauma) of the American Psychological Association. She serves on the editorial board of the Division 56 Journal, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, and is an ad hoc reviewer for several other scientific journals.  

Professional Interests

Dr. Allard's clinical and research expertise is in posttraumatic distress. Her program of research focuses on the impact of interpersonal trauma, including risk and resiliency factors, cultural moderators, and intervention implications. In particular, she is interested in identifying predictors or posttraumatic sequelae and treatment outcomes including contextual and cultural factors. Among the funded studies in which she is involved, Dr. Allard is a Co-Investigator on a Department of Defense two-site randomized clinical trial of an intervention she co-developed with colleagues, Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction Therapy.

  • Theory and Practice of Psychotherapy Individual (Cognitive Behavarioal Therapy)
  • Research/Dissertation
Scholarship and Contributions to the Field

Student Research Dissertations

  • Bariani, A. (In Progress). Does Acculturative Stress Increase Posttraumatic Symptoms in Latinas
  • Cabral, M. (In Progress. Assessing the Relative Influence of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Insecure Attachment, and Negative Attribution Bias on Marital Discord Using a Priming Paradigm. 
  • Edmonds, S. (In Progress). Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Applied Behavioral Analysis Therapists Who Have Administered Patient Restraints.  
  • Fisher, A. (In Progress). Personal Trauma History and Patterns of Negative Thinking as Moderators of the Relationship between Experiences of Patient Suicide and Burn-out in Psychology Graduate Student Training. 
  • Griffin, F. (2019). Predictors of Vicarious Posttraumatic Stress Among Behavioral Health Providers: Professional Experience, Prolonged Exposure Therapy, and Organizational Support. 
  • Johnson, K. (In Progress). Posttraumatic Mental Health Outcomes in Veteran Women and Men: Does Difference in Military Experiences Explain Gender Differences or is There More to the Story? 
  • McCue, M. (In Progress). Associations Between Different Conceptualizations of Guilt and Suicidality in Combat Veterans: A Model Comparison. 
  • Moroney, C. (In Progress). Mental Health Symptoms and Needs in Kenyan Women Seeking Services from a Community Sexual Trauma Clinic.  
  • Moya, Y. (In Progress). Mental Health Outcomes and Treatment-Seeking Among Latinas Following Negative Social Reactions to Sexual Trauma Disclosure. 
  • Zimmerman, A. (2020). The Impact of Cultural Values on the Relationships Between Perceived Parenting Styles and Forms of Aggression Among Young European American and Asian American Adults.  

(* indicates current or past student)

  • Allard, C. B., Norman, S. B., *Straus, E., Kim, H. M., Stein, M. S., Simon, N. M., & Rauch, S. A. M., for the PROGrESS Study Team. (Accepted). "Reductions in guilt cognitions following prolonged exposure and/or sertraline predict subsequent improvements in PTSD and depression." Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. doi: 10.1016/j.jbtep.2021.101666  
  • *McCue, M. L., *Fisher, A. N., *Johnson, K. R., *Bariani, A., *Cabral, M. M., Allard, C. B., Tiet, Q. Q., & *Edmonds, S. (2021). "Exposure to civilian casualties is related to guilt and suicidality in Post 9/11 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan." Military Behavioral Health, 9, 110-117. doi: 10.1080/21635781.2021.1904065  
  • Capone, C., Norman, S.B., Haller, M., *Davis, B., Shea, T.M., Browne, K., Lang, A.J., Schnurr, P.P., Golshan, S., Afari, N., Pittman, J., Allard, C.B., & Westendorf, L. (2020). "Trauma informed guilt reduction (TrIGR) therapy for guilt, shame, and moral injury resulting from trauma: Rationale, design, and methodology of a two-site randomized controlled trial." Contemporary Clinical Trials, 101, 106251. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2020.106251  
  • Haller, H., Norman, S.B., *Davis, B.C., Capone, C., Browne, K., & Allard, C.B. (2020). "A model for treating Covid-19 related guilt, shame, and moral injury." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. doi: 10.1037/tra0000742 
  • Norman, S. B., Allard, C. B., Browne, K., Capone, C., *Davis, B., Kubany, E. (2019). "Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction Therapy: Treating Guilt and Shame Resulting from Trauma and Moral Injury." London: Academic Press.  
  • Allard, C.B., *Straus, E., Ra, M. I., Thomas, K.B., Kawamura, R., & Tosaka, Y. (2019). "Japanese students do see the value of asking about child abuse and trauma in the research setting." Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 14, 141-151. doi: 10.1177/1556264618821799 
  • Russano, S., *Straus, E., Sullivan, F.G., Gobin, R. L., & Allard, C.B. (2017). "Religiosity predicts posttraumatic growth following treatment for PTSD related to interpersonal trauma in Veterans." Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 4, 238-248. doi: 10.1037/scp0000151.  

Conference Presentations (* indicates current or past student): 

  • *McCue, M.L., *Fisher, A.N., *Johnson, K.R., Allard, C.B., & Tiet, Q. Q. (2021, August). Losing comrades to suicide: A common and troubling problem. [Conference Poster Presentation]. APA 2021 Virtual, San Diego, CA, United States. 
  • *Fisher, A.N., Fisher, P.C., Allard, C.B., & Workman, G.M. (2021, August). Mission readiness and family resiliency: Working with federal law enforcement special response teams. [Conference Poster Presentation]. APA 2021 Virtual, San Diego, CA, United States. 
  • *Thompson, K.J. & Allard, C.B. (Co-Chairs). (2021, August). Trauma in, high-risk populations: Women, women of color, and LGBTQ individuals. [Collaborative Conference Symposium]. APA 2021 Virtual, San Diego, CA, United States.  
  • *Moya, Y., *Edmonds, S., *Moroney, C., *Bariani, A., *Cabral, M., & Allard, C.B. (2020, November). Predictors of Treatment Engagement in Veterans with a History of Interpersonal Trauma. [Conference Poster Presentation]. 36th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA, United States.   
  • *McCue, M. L., *Fisher, A. N., *Johnson, K. R., *Bariani, A.,*Cabral, M. M., *Edmonds, S., Allard, C. B., & Tiet, Q. Q. (2020, November). Civilian casualties and guilt in Post 9/11 veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan. [Conference Poster Presentation]. 36th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, GA, United States. 
  • *Thompson, K.J. & Allard, C.B. (Co-Chairs). (2020, August). Military trauma in understudied, high-risk veteran populations: Women and LGBTQ individuals. [Collaborative Conference Symposium]. APA 2020 Virtual, Washington, DC, United States.… 1.    
  • *Bariani, A., *Cabral, M.M., *Moroney, C., *Moya, Y., & Allard, C.B. (2020, August). Differences in dissociative symptoms between sexual minority and majority Veterans with a history of MST. [Conference Poster Presentation]. APA 2020 Virtual, Washington, DC, United States… 2.    
  • *Cabral, M.M., *Bariani, A., & Allard, C.B. (2020, August). Posttraumatic outcomes of veterans with interpersonal trauma histories who have perpetrated harm. [Conference Poster Presentation]. APA 2020 Virtual, Washington, DC, United States.… (Received Division 56 Outstanding Poster Award).      
  • *Feder, N., *Moroney, C., & Allard, C.B. (2020, August). Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms Related to Military Sexual Trauma and Sexual Orientation. [Conference Poster Presentation]. APA 2020 Virtual, Washington, DC, United States.…  Norman, S.B., 
  • *Davis, B., Capone, C., Allard, C.B., & Browne, K.W. (2019, November). Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction (TrIGR): A Transdiagnostic Therapy for Guilt and Shame from Trauma and Moral Injury. [Pre-Meeting Institute Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Training]. 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA, United States. 
  • *Bariani, A., *Cabral, M., & Allard, C.B. (2019, November). Insecure attachment predicts PTSD severity among veterans with sexual trauma. [Conference Poster Presentation]. 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA, United States.
  • *Abu-Rus, A., *Bariani, A., *Cabral, M., Dalenberg, C., & Allard, C.B. (2019, November). Utilizing the ATR scale of the TSI-2 as a screener for malingering. [Conference Poster Presentation]. 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA, United States. 
  • *Nunez, L., *Duncan, N., *Moya, Y., *Cabral, M., Dalenberg, C & Allard, C.B. (2019, November). Nightmares in veterans with a history of interpersonal trauma: Relationship to symptomology course and treatment engagement. [Conference Poster Presentation]. 35th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Boston, MA, United States. 
  • *Griffin, F., *Feder, N., & Allard, C.B. (2019, August) Borderline Personality Disorder and Military Sexual Trauma Among Veterans Who Identify as a Sexual Minority. [Conference Poster Presentation]. APA 2019, Chicago, IL, United States. 
  • *Johnson, K., *Edmonds, S., *Pasquali, C.E., & Allard, C.B. (2019, August). Military sexual trauma, revictimization, and suicide risk level in veterans. [Conference Poster Presentation]. APA 2019, Chicago, IL, United States. (Featured Poster at the Division 19 hosted Wine Down event). Allard, C. B., Norman, S.B., 
  • *Davis, B., Capone, C., & Browne, K.W. (2017, November). Trauma Informed Guilt Reduction (TrIGR): A Transdiagnostic Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Posttraumatic Distress. [Conference CEU Workshop]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapist Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, United States Sullivan, F.G., 
  • *Guiles, R., & Allard, C.B. (2017, November). Using heart-rate variability indices to measure treatment effectiveness in veterans with interpersonal trauma symptoms. [Conference Poster Presentation]. Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 52nd Annual Convention, San Diego, CA, United States.  
  • *Straus, E., Thomas, K. B., & Allard, C.B. (2016, November). Trauma research in a Japanese sample: The impact of disclosure amongst interpersonal trauma participants. [Conference Poster Presentation]. 32nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, TX.   
  • Russano, S., Joy, K., & *Straus, E., Georgianna, F., Pilavjian, H., *Gobin, R. L., & Allard, C.B. (2016, April). Religiosity in interpersonal trauma survivors including military sexual trauma survivors: Differences in posttraumatic growth. [Conference Presentation]. 2016 International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, United States.  
  • *Guiles, R.A.F., Pilavjian, H., Georgianna, F., Allard, C.B., Dalenberg, C., Gevirtz, R. (2016, March). Psychophysiological markers of trauma: A descriptive analysis investigating the absence of vagal brake in veterans with a history of interpersonal trauma. [Conference Poster Presentation]. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, United States.   
  • Vargas, E., Thomas, K.B., Quintard, G., Montes, D., Ganon, E., Georgianna, F., *Straus, E., & Allard, C.B. (2016, February). The association between hope for treatment and treatment engagement amongst veterans in a VA military sexual trauma and interpersonal trauma clinic. [Conference Poster Presentation]. 2015 Military and Veteran Resiliency Summit at Naval Medical Center, San Diego, CA, United States.  
  • *Guiles, R. A. F., Pilavjian, H., Nguyen, K., Mai, K. Y., Allard, C.B., Dalenberg, C., & Gevirtz, R. (2015, March). Psychophysiological markers of trauma: A preliminary analysis investigating the absence of vagal brake in Veterans with a history of interpersonal trauma. Conference Poster Presentation]. 2015 Applied Psychophysiological and Biofeedback Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, Texas, United States.        

Other Recent Publications  

  • Baca, S. A., Crawford, J. N., & Allard, C. B. (Accepted). "PTSD, Depression, and Suicidality among Survivors of Childhood Sexual Trauma (CST), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and Sexual Revictimization (CST+MST)." Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. 
  • Lu, L., Thorp, S.R., Moreno, L., Wells, S.Y., Glassman, L.H., Busch, A.C., Zamora, T., Rodgers, C.S., Allard, C.B., Morland, L.A., & Agha, Z. (2020). "Videoconferencing psychotherapy for veterans with PTSD: Results from a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial." Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 26(9), 507-519. doi: 10.1177/1357633X19853947  
  • Tripp, J. C., Norman, S. B., Kim, H. M., Venners, M. R., Martis, B., Simon, N. M., Stein, M. B., Allard, C. B., & Rauch, S. A. M. (2020). "Residual symptoms of PTSD following Sertraline plus enhanced medication management, PE plus placebo, or their combination." Psychiatry Research, 291, 113279-113279. doi: 10.1016/j.psychres.2020.113279   
  • Hannan, S., Thomas, K.B., & Allard, C.B. (2019). "Posttraumatic stress symptom severity mediates the relationship between military sexual trauma and tension reduction behaviors in male and female veterans." Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 0886260519864355. [Epub ahead of print]. doi: 10.1177/0886260519864355  
  • Gobin, R.L., Strauss, J., Shahrokh, G., Allard, C.B., Bomyea, J., Schnurr, P.P., & Lang, A.J. (2019). "Gender differences in response to acceptance and commitment therapy among OEF/OIF/OND veterans." Women's Health Issues. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1016/j.whi.2019.03.003  
  • Thorp, S.R., Glassman, L.H., Wells, S.Y., Walter, K.H., Gebhardt, H., Twamley, E.W., Golshan, S., Pittman, J.O.E., Penski, K., Allard, C.B., Morland, L.A., & Wetherell, J. (2019). "A randomized controlled trial of prolonged exposure therapy versus relaxation training for older veterans with PTSD." Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 64, 45-54. doi: 10.1016/j.janxdis.2019.02.003  
  • Rauch, S.A.M., Kim, H.M., Powell, C., Tuerk, P.W., Simon, N.M., Acierno, R., Allard, C.B., Norman, S.B., Venners, M.R., Rothbaum, B.O., Stein, M.B., Porter, K., Martis, B., King, A.P., Liberzon, I., Phan, K.L., & Hoge, C.W. (2019). "Efficacy of prolonged exposure therapy, sertraline hydrochloride, and their combination among combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: A randomized clinical trial." JAMA Psychiatry, 76, 117–126. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.3412  
  • Allard, C.B., Norman, S.B., Thorp, S.R., Browne, K.C., & Stein, M.B. (2018). "Mid-treatment reduction in trauma-related guilt predicts PTSD and functioning following cognitive trauma therapy for survivors of intimate partner violence." Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 13, 3610-3629. doi: 10.1177/0886260516636068. 
  • Norman, S.B., Haller, M., Kim, H.M., Allard, C.B., Porter, K.E., Stein, M.B., Venners, M.R., Authier, C.C. & Rauch, S.A.M. (2018). "Trauma related guilt cognitions partially mediate the relationship between PTSD symptom severity and functioning among returning combat veterans." Journal of Psychiatric Research, 100, 56-62. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2018.02.003. 
  • Rauch, S.A.M., Simon, N.M., Kim, H.M., Acierno, R., King, A.P., Norman, S.B., Venners, M.R., Porter, K., Phan, K.L., Tuerk, P.W., Allard, C., Liberzon, I., Rothbaum, B.O., Martis, B., Stein, M.B., & Hoge, C.W. (2018). "Integrating biological treatment mechanisms into randomized clinical trials: Design of PROGrESS (PROlonGed ExpoSure and Sertraline Trial)." Contemporary Clinical Trials, 64, 128-138. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2017.10.013.  
  • Gobin, R.L., Mackintosh, M.-A., Willis, E., Allard, C.B., Kloezeman, K., & Morland, L.A. (2018). "Predictors of differential treatment outcomes among Veteran and civilian women after Cognitive Processing Therapy." Psychological Trauma: Research, Theory, Practice & Policy, 10, 173-182. doi: 10.1037/tra0000266.   
  • Juan, M.J.D., Nunnink, S.E., Butler, E.O., & Allard, C.B. (2017). "Gender role stress mediates depression among veteran men with military sexual trauma." Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 18, 243-250. doi:10.1037/men0000120.  
  • Bomyea, J. & Allard, C.B. (2017). "Trauma-related disgust in Veterans with interpersonal trauma." Journal of Traumatic Stress, 30, 149-156. doi: 10.1002/jts.22169.  
  • Gobin, R.L. & Allard, C.B. (2016). "Associations between sexual health concerns and mental health symptoms among African American and European American women Veterans who have experienced interpersonal trauma." Personality and Individual Differences, 100, 37-42. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.02.007.
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